Marina Grassi


About me

Educated at the prestigious University of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo, Marina started her business in 2013 with a focus on interior design and decoration. Her international partnership with a Miami-based firm expanded her knowledge and view of architecture, bringing innovation to her clients. Her main objective is to tailor each project to her clients’ style and needs.

She believes that architecture is a dream come true, and that environments should be relaxing, bring happiness and a sense of tranquility, as this reflects on the person and their mood. Being able to improve the functionality and aesthetics of their environments and, as a result, bring happiness and well-being to her clients is what makes her enjoy her work so much.

Having lived in Switzerland since 2018, she experienced and realized the difficulty of an expatriate in adapting and finding herself in a different country, not only because of cultural differences, but also in feeling “at home” again in a completely new environment.

Marina’s hope is to help her clients readjust to a new place by bringing them back to the feeling of Home.


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